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Computer programming without writing code!

The scratch can be programming with blocks on the platform

To do any work with the computer, it needs to program it. The program is the instructions given to work on the computer. Following the instructions that computer works differently. To make all the excellent work with the computer, computer programmers use these instructions using certain programmers such as C / C / C ++, Python, Java etc.

On August 11, an institution that works with artificial intelligence, open AI expressed the improved version of their software, which can be created instructions for computer in English language (coding). Codex is the name of this software. 

It can change different instructions in English directly to the computer's understandable language. A Demo organization released this. There is only a website has been created with instructions in English. Not only that, a typical type of game has also been made. It seems to be improved from other software initially, it almost attracted attention.

Aniech was programming with switch on computer

Open AI's co-founder and chief tech official Greg Borcman said in an interview given to the Vertical newspaper, "Two parts of computer programming. One is to reach solutions deeply to solve the problem, then consolidate that thought, using various functions, library using library and turn into work. In this, the second work is very difficult and it claims infinite patience and intensive attention. Codex will help programmers in this place. Earlier, open AI Copylot, released another software, which was used in the Githabit platform of Microsoft. When we write an e-mail in G-Mail, Copigate auto-suggestions when coding in the kind of sound or sentence that is available there. Codex is next step in Copika. '

Computer scientists have tried for a long time how the coding can make it easier. The first computer is programmed with switches. Then El Punchcard. Until the keyboard invention, the first generation computers were programmed with switches and punchcards. After coming to the keyboard, it was seen that the programmer day was instructed by the computer in Assembly in Assembly. The reason is that the computer can only understand the electricity (1) or not (0). As a result, after the end of the day, all the instructions have to be published in binari. But US Navy official Grace Happer first created a modern compiler. Due to the discovery of Grace Hipper's compiler, it is possible to free the computer from the 'Elite' language of 'Elite'. Because, the programming language appears.

Broan programming in Panchcard of IBM

Broan programming in Panchcard of IBM

The compiler programming can change this particular language in computer, can change the language. So we got Fortran, Pascal, C / C ++, Java, Python-such programming language. When I read BUET, we have learned to learn how we used BUET mainframe computers. As soon as C / C ++ became C / C ++, such as Python or Katlin's tide came. The purpose of these things but only one. That is to use the computer to utilize the computer that it is easier to easily easily. Codex is the latest addition to this section.

But without the code, it is not absolutely new to guide the computer. Even we used it very much. While using Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet software, we use various mathematical formulas including add-minus-sharing and use us. The spreadsheet software but it converts it to the code, comes and shows us with the results. If a programming code in the background is not generated but the computer could not understand it directly. Again, think about the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) invented scratch. But there are guidelines in different blocks and instructions. Scratch but makes the instructions of blocks properly for the computer. Again, many people can write the face of mouth using Google's Speech-to-Text Tools. There are also arrangements to coding instructions in computer language, such as DotAI in Serenad. And an example of the verbal guidance of robots is now stored in many houses due to Alexa or Echo.

But this is a little exception, because we can coding directly through English. As a result, it got a new level of guidance to the computer in his language. What is the effect? Will the computer programmer need to run?

No The matter will be the opposite. As a result, many new jobs can be programming on one side, and the demand for programmers will increase. On the other hand, entering the programming or coding world will become very easy.

This is saying that Coding Popularization Platform Code Dotorg's founder Hadi Parvati and Open AI's co-founder and major technical officer Greg Borkman. By expressing this opinion in a joint article in Technology website, they say that we should rather pay more attention to coding.

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